London's Pulse: Medical Officer of Health reports 1848-1972

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Hendon 1898

[Report of the Medical Officer of Health for Hendon]

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Number of Deaths.—The total number of deaths in the
parish for the year is 382, as against 360 in the year 1897;
116 of these occurred in the Hendon Workhouse Infirmary, 29
of which were chargeable to the Hendon Parish, the remainder
being from Willesden, Harrow, Great and Little Stanmore,
Edgware and Kingsbury. Deducting 87, the number belonging
to other parishes, it leaves 295 to be accounted for in Hendon
proper, as against 340 in 1897, or 45 more persons died in 1897
than in 1898. Considering that the population has increased by
something like 1,400 people, this is a satisfactory result. Of the
number 295 who died in 1898, 73 occurred in Central Hendon,
56 in West Hendon, 55 in Child's Hill, 27 in Cricklewood, 30 in
Mill Hill, 8 in Burnt Oak, 5 in Temple Fortune, and 12 in St.
Vincent's School.
One hundred and six deaths occurred under one year as against
113 in 1897. This is again, I am sorry to say, a very high
number, bringing the infant mortality up to a high figure, of
which mention will be found later on in my report.
The district showing the highest increase in the number of
deaths is West Hendon, and this is only to be expected, as this
part of the parish is the only one where building has been going on.
Fifty-six deaths were recorded as against 31 in the previous year.
Thirty-four of these died under the age of one year, an unusually
high number, the deaths being due mainly to a severe form of
diarrhoea which occurred in the summer, whereby 13 deaths were
recorded, and a rather severe outbreak of whooping cough during
the autumn months taking off five children, besides seven of the
deaths being recorded under the heading of inanition and
marasmus. Only six deaths occurred from disease of the respiratory
In the Central Hendon district, with the exception of the