London's Pulse: Medical Officer of Health reports 1848-1972

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Hayes and Harlington 1934

[Report of the Medical Officer of Health for Hayes]

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During the year fifty-four complaints were received
with respect to the following matters, viz.:—
Choked and defective drains 9
Insanitary or dilapidated condition of houses and
premises 17
Offensive accumulations or deposits 8
Cesspools overflowing 1
Rats 4
Other nuisances 15
Total 54
2.—Inspection of District.
Number of houses and premises inspected (ordinary) 1,218
„ ,, houses inspected and particulars recorded
(Housing Act, 1930) 49
,, „ houses and premises re-inspected 1,250
,, ,, miscellaneous visits 723
„ „ food inspections 915
„ ,, visits to slaughter-houses 739
,, „ „ ,, dairies, cowsheds and milkshops 196
„ „ „ ,, bakehouses, factories and workshops
,, ,, ,, „ re water supplies 21
,, „ ,, ,, re cases of infectious disease 175
,, ,, ,, ,, re offensive trades 140
,, „ ,, ,, re petroleum stores 158
„ ,, smoke observations and visits to works 4
,, ,, tents and vans 303
,, ,, public urinals inspected 194
,, ,, verminous premises inspected 158
,, ,, premises disinfected 186
,, ,, Shops Acts 50
Total 6,526