London's Pulse: Medical Officer of Health reports 1848-1972

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Finchley 1953

[Report of the Medical Officer of Health for Finchley]

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Enquiries—Outstanding Sanitary Notices
One thousand five hundred and forty-nine letters were
received during the year from the Town Clerk enquiring whether
or not there were any outstanding notices with respect to
certain properties in the district. The necessary searches were made
and the required information furnished.
Disinfection and Disinfestation
Number of rooms disinfected after infectious disease 93
Number of articles disinfected 2,777
Number of verminous premises dealt with 15
Verminous rooms disinfested 52
Six hundred and eighty visits were made by inspectors
and disinfectors in connection with cases of infectious disease and
verminous premises and the necessary investigations were made in
order to obtain the detailed information required.
The number of premises infested with bugs was the same as
in the previous year, 14 cases having been dealt with.
The following is a summary of disinfestation work carried out
during the year:
Bugs 14
Fleas 1
Cockroaches 2
Beetles 2
Ants 3
Wasps 33
Bees 5
Moths 2
Woodworm 1
Miscellaneous 3
The number of verminous rooms which were dealt with was
52 compared with 50 in 1952.
Houses Let in Lodgings
During the year two additions were made to the Register of
Houses Let in Lodgings.