London's Pulse: Medical Officer of Health reports 1848-1972

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Erith 1944

[Report of the Medical Officer of Health for Erith]

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F(3)c. Factories.

(i) Inspections for the purpose of provisions as to health are detailed below:—

PremisesNumber of
InspectionsWritten NoticesOccupiers Prosecuted
Factories with mechanical power463
Factories without mechanical power521
Other premises under the Act (including building works and engineering construction but not including outworkers premises)6


ParticularsNumber of DefectsNumber of defects in respect of which prosecutions were instituted
FoundRemediedReferred to H M Inspector
Want of Cleanliness11
Unreasonable temperature
Inadequate Ventilation
Inadequate lighting
Ineffective drainage of Floors11
Sanitary Conveniences Unsuitable or defective1111
Not separate for sexes
Other offences1l

F(4)a. Health Education—Films.
It was endeavoured, in view of the successful campaign of
the previous year, to repeat this type of programme during
During April, a lecture on public health was given by the
Medical Officer of Health to a Youth organisation at which
three silent films dealing with immunisation against diphtheria,