London's Pulse: Medical Officer of Health reports 1848-1972

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Erith 1944

[Report of the Medical Officer of Health for Erith]

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F(2)b. Proceedings under Public Health Act.

(1) No. of dwelling-houses in which respect notices were served requiring defects to be remedied50
(2) No. of dwellinghouses in which defects were remedied after service of formal notices:
(a) By Owner44
(b) By Local Authority0
F(2)c. Proceedings under Sections 11 and 13 of the Housing Act 1936.
(1) No. of dwellinghouses in respect of which demolition orders were made0
(2) No. of houses demolished in persuance of demolition orders0
F(2)d. Proceedings under Section 12 of the Housing Act 1936.
(1) No. of separate tenements or underground rooms in respect of which Closing Orders were made0
(2) No. of separate tenements or underground rooms in respect of which Closing Orders were determined, the tenement or room having been made fit0

F(2)e. Rent and Mortgage Interest (Restrictions) Act
The provisions regarding extortionate rents are administered
by the department and during the year 1944, 240
applications for advice and assistance have been dealt with. The
maximum permissible rent of houses brought under control by
this Act is the rent payable at 2nd September, 1939, subject
to certain permitted increases which are provided for by the
Act. There is, however, no provision allowing for decontrol
on vacant possession by the landlord.
Appended below is a summary of the improvements
effected : —
(a) Rent reduced from 27/6 to 20/- and £2/13/6 returned
to tenant.
(b) Rent reduced from 27/6 to 25/7-J- and £3/15/- returned
to tenant.
(c) Rent reduced from 16/6 to 13/9^ and <£5/16/5
returned to tenant.
(d) Rent reduced from 20/- to 10/5.
(e) In this instance, the applicant (as sub-tenant) appealed
to the County Court, when the Registrar determined
the standard rent at 11/- having regard to the
number of rooms occupied.