London's Pulse: Medical Officer of Health reports 1848-1972

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Erith 1944

[Report of the Medical Officer of Health for Erith]

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Chief Clerk—H. M. Coles. Res. 7/10/44.
P. D. Bunyan. App. 20/11/44.
Deputy Chief Clerk and Senior School Clinic Clerk—
Miss M. Smith.
General Clerks—
Maternity and Child Welfare—
Miss O. R. Reeves. Res. 29/7/44.
Mrs. E. M. Towse. App. 15/8/44.
Accounts—Mrs. G. P. MacPhearson.
Public Health R. Durey, M.R.I.P.H.H., L.A.G.C.
(H.M.F. 2/1/41.)
War-time Nurseries—Mrs. G. Randall.
Shorthand-Typist—Mrs. M. Bond.
Junior Cleric Public Health—H. Penreath. Res. 15/4/44.
School Medical Service—Miss E. Bartlett. Res. 12/2/44.
Miss 1). Beacroft. Res. 21/3/44.
Mrs. Fenner. App. 13/3/44.
Mrs. Tucker. App. 10/2/44.
2. Part-time.
Consulting Surgeon for Aural Diseases—
A. B. Alexander. M.D.
T. P. Gill, F.R.C.S.
Ante-natal Consultant—
I. V. O'Sullivan, M.D., B.Ch., F.R.C.S., M.R.C.P., M.A.O.,
Consulting Obstetrician—
A. Galletly, M.C., M.B., F.R.C.S.(Ed.).
Details of members of the staff of the School Medical Service
are embodied in the report to the Education Committee.