London's Pulse: Medical Officer of Health reports 1848-1972

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Erith 1944

[Report of the Medical Officer of Health for Erith]

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Health Committee.
Chairman—Councillor Alfori).
Alderman Christian.
Alderman Christian. Councillor Farquhar.
,, Bates. Alderman Ewens.
Councillor Dunklev. Councillor Morlikg.
,, Ellis. ,, Burgess
,, Luck. Res. 1-2-44.
,, Pannell.
Maternity and Child Welfare Committee.
(1hairman—Alderman Ewens.
Alderman Christian. Councillor Mantle.
Councillor Alford. ,, Woodcock.
,, Dunklev. ,, Tyrer.
,, Firmin.
Co-opted Members:
Mesdames Hyde, Smith and West.
E,v-officio Members of both Committees:
His Worship the Mayor. Councillor Farquhar.
Iieputy Mayor, Councillor Burgess.
Chairman of Finance and General Purposes Committee,
Councillor T. C. Pannell.