Hints from the Health Department. Leaflet from the archive of the Society of Medical Officers of Health. Credit: Wellcome Collection, London
[Report of the Medical Officer of Health for Erith]
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January | 34 |
February | 38 |
March | 28 |
April | 46 |
May | 34 |
June | 34 |
July | 23 |
August | 26 |
September | 25 |
October | 36 |
November | 21 |
December | 39 |
378 |
The number of deaths clue to Cancer during 1915 was
27. This is a disease which is almost entirely confined
to persons who are of middle age or over; 5 deaths
occurred between the ages of 25 and 45; 8 between 45
and 65; and 13 over 65 years of age.
Infantile Mortality.
During 1915 the number of' deaths of children under
one year of age was 54; between 1 year and 2 years, 24;
and between 2 years and 5 years, 11; as compared with 76,
17, and 14 during 1913.
The death rate for children under 1 year per 1,000
births is 73.17, as compared with 91.1 for 1914.
If the infantile mortality rates of legitimate and illegitimate
children are compared, it will be seen that the
rate for illegitimate children is very much higher than
that for legitimate children.
In this district there were 716 legitimate births during
1915, with 49 deaths, giving a rate of 68.5 per 1,000
births, while there were 22 illegitimate births and 7
deaths during the same period, giving a rate of 318.1 per
1,000 births.
In the latter part of 1913 a supplement to the Annual
Report of the Medical Officer of the Local Government
Board for 1912-1913 was issued, containing a Report on
Infantile Mortality in towns with a population of' more