London's Pulse: Medical Officer of Health reports 1848-1972

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Enfield 1956

[Report of the Medical Officer of Health for Enfield]

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Departmental discussion on the effect, interpretation and
application of the new legislation took place, and in addition,
conferences and meetings were attended in order that a reasonable
degree of uniformity of application, in the County, at least, could
be achieved.
In the Borough itself, bearing in mind this objective, one
Public Health Inspector was relieved of most of his other duties
and was given the work of co-ordinating the application of the
new Regulations.
Detailed inspections of 881 food premises were made during
the year and record cards completed for all premises. These
inspections, of course, consumed a considerable amount of time.
The premises inspected included all types of Food shops, Stalls,
Canteens, Club kitchens and bars, School, Hospital and Nursing
Home kitchens, Wholesale delivery vehicles, Hawkers storages.
Public Houses and Old Peoples Homes.
The number of visits to food premises under the Food Hygiene
Regulations during the year reached a total of 3,875, and I think
this effort has produced satisfactory results, in spite of the variety
of difficulties that were required to be overcome.
One of the most satisfactory achievements has been the provision
of water supply and fittings where none previously existed.
Furthermore, hundreds of additional fittings have been provided,
including sinks and wash hand basins, hot water apparatus,
counter and window display screens, refrigerators, clothes lockers
and cupboards.
In addition, many structural alterations, repairs and decorations
have been undertaken and improved lighting and ventilation
have been effected in many instances.
During the year eight cafes closed for various reasons, but
on the other hand, eight new factory canteens are contemplated.
Open fronted fish shops have received particular attention
during the year and it is our hope to secure the provision of shop
fronts or display slab screens throughout the district.