London's Pulse: Medical Officer of Health reports 1848-1972

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Enfield 1952

[Report of the Medical Officer of Health for Enfield]

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The Council provides this service to the occupiers of all dwellinghouses
free of charge; industrial and business premises are dealt
with at the request of the proprietors who pay the full cost of any
disinfestation undertaken at their premises.
680 premises were inspected during the year for rat and mice
infestation, and of these 609 were found to be affected.
The total number of treatments carried out by the Department
(including domestic, business and factory premises, and re-infestations)
was 565.
During the year the Sanitary Inspectors and Rodent Investigating
Staff made 7,095 visits concerning rat infestation.
All the sewers in the district have been systematically examined
and the Ministry's scheme for the extermination of rats in sewers
has been closely followed. Experience gained during these investigations
has proved extremely useful to the Department, and it
has been possible to trace any colony or heavy infestation ; such
infestations as were discovered were confined to small areas far
apart from one another. During the initial investigations 504
manholes were examined and 306 pre-baits and 117 poison-baits
were laid. The necessary follow-up treatment continues so that the
rat population of the sewers may be kept under control.
Number of Council Houses found to be infested 22
Number of Council houses disinfested 22
Number of other houses found to be infested 41
Number of other houses disinfested 41
Householders are urged to seek the assistance of the Health
Department immediately they suspect the presence of bugs or
similar pests.