London's Pulse: Medical Officer of Health reports 1848-1972

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Enfield 1913

[Report of the Medical Officer of Health for Enfield]

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Arrangement for Examination of Cerebro-Spinal Fluid, and
other Pathological Material, and for the Treatment
of Patients.
"Any examination required would be carried out by myself
"if necessary.
"The question of treatment of patients has not specially
"arisen up to the present.
"All the cases have been under the care of local medical men,
"and of the Great Ormond Street Hospital, and no suggestion of
"poverty on the part of the parents has been made. It has not
"appeared necessary to make any special arrangements for Hospital
September 24th, 1913.—"W.N.—The notification of this case
"was received on September 16th, and the particulars are set out
"The boy was taken ill on the 10th of September with cold
"and shivering, and on the 13th, Paralysis set in in all his limbs.
"His temperature was 102° which was observed on the 3rd day of
"the disease.
"The boy had a fall on August 15th and cut the back of his
"head, went to Finsbury Park on September 7th, and attended
"Sanger's Circus at Waltham Cross in the afternoon of September
December 30th, 1913.—" W.A.N.—The notification of this case
"was received on December 18th, and the particulars with regard
"to same are set out below.
"The boy was taken ill on December 6th, with what was
"supposed to be Influenza, was seen by a doctor on December 9th,
"when he was found to be paralysed on right side,—Kernig's sign
"was very marked. No temperature.
"His previous history showed that he suffered from chorea
"some 18 months ago, and had never properly recovered.
"He had been living at North Mimms until September last,
"and it appears that about 18 months ago, a girl of 19 years who
"lived in the same house suffered from an illness with subsequent
"In February of this year (1914) I inspected these children and
"with only one exception, found little or no improvement in any of