London's Pulse: Medical Officer of Health reports 1848-1972

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Edmonton 1957

[Report of the Medical Officer of Health for Edmonton]

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£2, and each being ordered to pay £2. 2. 0d. costs Another butcher who both sold and exposed
for sale Argentine beef and imported offal not marked with an indication of origin was cautioned
for these offences.
At 64 premises 198 articles of pre packed food were examined to see that they bore a label
which gave a clear statement of the designation of the food and, in the case of compound foods
the ingredients, and also the name and address of the packer or labeller. No infringement of
this Order was detected.
As in previous years a considerable amount of work has been done in the detailed scrutiny
of advertisements and the labels on pre packed foods, and taking suitable action in those cases
where a label or advertisement contained a false or misleading description of the food to which
it relates, This work is of benefit to the whole County irrespective of where within the County
offences may be detected. During the year under review corrective action has been secured in
respect of salmon with potato salad crystallized jelly pineapple slices, pure egg mundelech.
cherry juice, lime juice, imitation cream, cream filled biscuits, cream-filled Easter eggs and
cheese. In every case the person responsible agreed to make necessary suitable amendments to
labels as a result of my representations. In no case was it necessary to institute proceedings
During the year in question three licences were issued by my Council in respect of the use
of the special designation Pasteurised" for milk processed within your area. These premises
were regularly inspected and compliance with the requirements of the Act and of the appropriate
Regulations was maintained, 60 samples of pasteurised milk were taken, all of which were certi
fied as being satisfactory
During the year, Public Health Inspectors paid 137 visits to butchers shops, 78 visits to
fish shops, 87 visits to cafes and restaurants, 29 visits to dairies and milk shops 9 visits
to slaughterhouses, 43 visits to factory bakehouses, 98 visits to ice cream shops, 59 visits
to canteens and 183 visits to other food premises.
Most attacks of food poisoning are not notified to the Medical Officer of Health, in fact
most are not treated by a doctor Nevertheless, the fact that only thirteen cases of food
poisoning were notified during the year reflects great credit on the work of the Public Health
The water supply of the Borough has at all times been satisfactory both in quality and