London's Pulse: Medical Officer of Health reports 1848-1972

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East Barnet 1964

[Report of the Medical Officer of Health for East Barnet]

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notices for the remedying of the complaint are served on the owner
or occupier as the case may be.
The number of preliminary notices served during the year shows an
increase of ten. Table II of the . report gives the number of notices
served both in 1963 and 1964 and the results of the service of those
notices. The relationship betwen the number of notices and complaints
seems to vary widely year by year and is mainly due to the cause of
the complaint.
Table III which lists the repairs carried out as a result of notices
served on owners has remained approximately the same as the previous
Infectious Diseases and Food Poisoning
The number of visits made under this heading during the year is
213. This figure shows a decrease of 182 on the previous year due to
the incidence of infectious disease having considerably reduced.
Verminous Premises
Eight visits were made during the year regarding verminous premises.
Schools, Brooks and Streams, Hairdressers' and Barbers' Premises
These are routine inspections and do not vary by any extent year
by year.
Clearance Areas
There were, at the beginning of 1964, 4 confirmed clearance areas
affecting 11 houses which had not been demolished. None of these
areas had been demolished at the end of the year and during the period
under review the Medical Officer of Health did not represent to the
Council any new clearance areas.
Demolition Orders and Closing Orders
At the beginning of 1964 there were 2 houses on which demolition
orders had been served and the premises not demolished, and 10
houses on which closing orders were in force. The houses on which
closing orders were outstanding were 20 and 22 Lancasted Road, and
those on which closing orders were operative were:
51a, 90, 96 and 101 East Barnet Road.
7 Victoria Road.
12, 16 and 18 Victoria Avenue, and
120 and 131 Lancaster Road.
During 1964 the closing orders on 90 and 101 East Barnet Road,
12, 16 and 18 Victoria Avenue, and 120 and 131 Lancaster Road were
There were no clearance or demolition orders made during the year.
As may be seen by Table III, a considerable amount of work of
repair was carried out by owners after the service of statutory and
intimation notices.
Page Sixteen