London's Pulse: Medical Officer of Health reports 1848-1972

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East Barnet 1964

[Report of the Medical Officer of Health for East Barnet]

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tory nuisance and in these cases when the owners of the premises
concerned have been approached, co-operation has been received.
The latest new heading in the report is, Offices, Shops and Railway
Premises. To date the only action to have been taken is the registering
of premises to which this new Act applies. Undoubtedly in the future
a considerable amount of time will be spent in the administration of
this legislation.
Naturally I regret the end of a very pleasant association both with
the Council and the Officers, and whilst the break with East Barnet
as a Council is inevitable, I trust I shall be able to continue to serve
the district over a wider area in the new Borough.
In conclusion I would, for the last time, express my thanks to every
member, both past and present, of the Public Health Department for
their support during my time as Chief Public Health Inspector. In
particular I must thank Mr. Smith, my Deputy, for his efforts and
assistance during the period of my appointment and especially for the
time he has spent in organising and controlling a very efficient Food
and Drugs Section.
I also wish to thank all other Officers of the Council for their
assistance and co-operation
W. K. Pickup,
Chief Public Health Inspector
Page Eleven