London's Pulse: Medical Officer of Health reports 1848-1972

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East Barnet 1962

[Report of the Medical Officer of Health for East Barnet]

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to obtain a house of their own away from their parents-in-law and the
frequent friction such proximity produces.
Lastly, Food and Drug control. It should be stressed that out of the
75 samples submitted to the Analyst only four were unsatisfactory
and these samples showed either misleading labelling or difference in
the contents of essential parts. It is still true that there are no
official standards for the composition of certain foods such as soups
and sausages. It is of prime importance that a close watch be kept
on such foodstuffs in order to protect the public from purchasing for
example "Chicken Soup" found on analysis to contain less than half
of one per cent of meat and/or meat extractives. It is, however, fair
to say that the standard of food hygiene in local shops is reasonably
good and the Department has comparatively few complaints to deal
Further clerical staff has been obtained during the year and this
has enabled the Department to keep up to date with its work — or
perhaps it would be fairer to say that the pressure of work has been
somewhat relieved.
My most sincere thanks to every member of my staff for their
work and loyalty during the past year.
C. M. Scott,
Medical Officer of Health
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