London's Pulse: Medical Officer of Health reports 1848-1972

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East Barnet 1957

[Report of the Medical Officer of Health for East Barnet]

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with the number of applicants for several months—but there is
no reason to believe that the situation is any more difficult in Hertfordshire
than in the rest of the country.
Housing problems continue to remain our greatest headache
and are detailed in the report of the Chief Public Health Inspector.
Headway is being made but there are still many unfit houses and
overcrowding cases to be dealt with.
The Department has been active in Food Hygiene and the work
involved has paid dividends. There are few aspects of Public Health
more rewarding than the insistence on pure clean food, properly
Once again I would like to thank the Chief Officers and staff's
of other departments for their help and co-operation on many
Medical Officer of Health.