London's Pulse: Medical Officer of Health reports 1848-1972

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East Barnet 1957

[Report of the Medical Officer of Health for East Barnet]

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qualified Chemist and Bacteriologist. During the year 1957,
examinations were made on 255 chemical and 1,918 bacteriological
samples of water, of which number 1,394 were bacteriological
examinations of water samples representative of supply. Every one
of the latter samples, i.e., 100 per cent., were found free from B. Coli
I in 100 ml.
In addition, the Water Company submitted 35 chemical and
65 bacteriological samples of water for independent analysis during
the year, which included 59 bacteriological samples of water
representative of supply also reported as being 100 per cent, free
from B. Coli / in 100 ml.
Ten samples were also taken by us and submitted for examination
to the Public Health Laboratory. The reports were in every case