London's Pulse: Medical Officer of Health reports 1848-1972

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Ealing 1967

[Report of the Medical Officer of Health for Ealing]

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10 cases were notified during the year.
Food Poisoning
17 cases were notified, of which 6 were confirmed bacteriologically. The
organisms were as follows:-
Salmonella Typhimurium 2
Other Salmonellae 4
Infectious Hepatitis
This disease has been notifiable in the borough since November, 1965. The
number of cases notified last year was 42 of which 7 were admitted to hospital. In conformity
with the Council's control measures public health inspectors visited the households
and gave advice on the appropriate hygiene measures which should be adopted
and arrangements were made for the patient's linen and clothing to be disinfected by
boiling or autoclaving wherever possible. One contact who was a school meals worker
was excluded from work. One contact was an expectant mother, but after consultation
with her own doctor it was decided not to give gamma globulin which is available for
such cases.
One case was notified during the year. This was a 24-year-old Indian who is
believed to have contracted malaria whilst on holiday in India.
3,389 cases were notified during the year, which was a "measles" year.
Membranous Croup
No cases were notified during the year.
Acute Encephalitis and Meningococcal Infection
There was one case of acute encephalitis and five cases of meningococcal infection
notified during the year.