London's Pulse: Medical Officer of Health reports 1848-1972

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Ealing 1966

[Report of the Medical Officer of Health for Ealing]

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Health Education is part of the arrangements the Council makes under Section
28 of the National Health Service Act for the prevention of illness. A substantial
part of the everyday work of the department's doctors, nurses, social workers and
health inspectors is educative in nature, but in addition a specific health education
programme is in operation in the Borough. A divisional health visitor, with special
responsibilities for health education, is in charge of the day to day work and I give
below subjects which have received special attention during the year-
Flameproof material
In conjunction with a local store an exhibition of flameproof garments and
piece goods was displayed at Northcote Clinic. This was reinforced by talks and
the showing of film strips on fire prevention.
Cervical Cytology
To coincide with the opening of the cervical cytology clinics talks illustrated
by slides were given at Mattock Lane, Ravenor Park and Avenue Road clinics. These
meetings had been advertised in the local paper and were well attended.
Mother and Baby Home discussions
Weekly discussions were held with the mothers on health matters ranging from
personal hygiene to birth control. These were illustrated by films or film strips.
Co-operation with Central Middlesex Hospital
Arrangements have been made for health posters to be exhibited in various
departments of this hospital. This is a very welcome gesture by the hospi tal since
it demonstrates an appreciation of the part played by the local authority services.
In addition the health education programme in schools has developed during
the year, details of this being given under the chapter headed 'School Health