London's Pulse: Medical Officer of Health reports 1848-1972

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Ealing 1958

[Report of the Medical Officer of Health for Ealing]

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a useful function in getting children with fairly
severe speech defects to overcome this handicap more
rapidly and with far less distress than if they had
entered a normal infant class. The scheme has been
found to be practicable for the Speech Therapy Department
of a fairly large authority of about 200,000
people without additional resources being necessary
except the willingness of the local Education Authority
to provide a teacher for 10 children, and the services
of one of the medical officers of the School Health
Service staff for supervisory purposes.
Dr. P, Holman, Consultant Psychiatrist, reports:-
This centre covers both Ealing and Acton, but the
following figures relate to Ealing only.
Patients attending*
146 cases were referred during the year which is
exactly the same number as were referred in the previous
Cases withdrawn before Investigation,
The number of cases withdrawn before investigation is
not as large as in 1957. There were 50 cases in Ealing
where there was lack of co operation on the part of the
parents who failed to bring the child for treatment after
originally accepting. In some cases there is a spontaneous
improvement whilst the case is still on the waiting list.
Problems referred to the Centre.
The type of case referred remains remarkably unchanged
over the years. We continue to be sent a high proportion
of children of more than average intelligence (i.e. a
higher proportion than there is in the school population),
and a far greater number from primary schools than from
secondary schools.
Court cases.
Of the secondary school children, a rather higher
proportion than usual has come this year from the Juvenile
Courts or Probation Officers.
Day School for maladjusted Children.
We have long thought that the work of the Clinic
would be greatly helped, if some of the younger children
could be sent for a time to a special Day School for
Maladjusted Pupils. The County Council has approved the
proposal and has found suitable premises for the school
at No. 1 Aston Road.