London's Pulse: Medical Officer of Health reports 1848-1972

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Ealing 1949

[Report of the Medical Officer of Health for Ealing]

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Rivers and Streams.
A complaint was received towards the end of the year regarding
the condition of a stream in the North Greenford area. A sample
was taken and the result of the analysis indicated pollution by
sewage. Further samples were taken in an effort to trace the
source of the pollution and it was eventually established that the
stream was polluted before entering this Borough. The matter
was taken up with the Authority through whose area the stream
passes prior to entering Ealing, and active steps were immediately
taken by this Authority to ascertain the source of the pollution.
At the close of the year no definite results had been obtained but
the neighbouring Authority was pursuing its efforts to trace the
source of pollution.
No other complaints were received regarding the River Brent
or its tributary streams.
Drainage and Sewage.
During the year eleven houses, previously connected to cesspools,
were connected to the Council's sewer and arrangements
were in hand for a further five houses to be connected during 1950.
Apart from twenty¬one houses in the Northolt Ward, one in
Perivale Ward, three in Greenford North Ward, two in Hanger
Hill Ward and three in Drayton Ward, all houses in the Borough
are connected to the sewerage system.
Atmospheric Pollution.
One hundred and forty-five smoke observations were made by
the Sanitary Inspectors and in four instances it was necessary to
make representations regarding the emission of black smoke for a
longer period than that allowed by the Bye-Law.
In one instance the factory owners went to considerable
expense in fitting automatic stoking apparatus to their furnaces
but found that this was not fully effective owing to the low grade
fuel being supplied to them. Representations were made to the
Ministry of Fuel and Power and after an inspection by their
representative a better quality fuel was authorised and this was
effective in abating the nuisance.
In two other cases also representations were made to the
Ministry of Fuel and Power who sent an official to inspect and
report on the plant, fuel, etc. As a result of these reports and the
improvements suggested in them, one factory succeeded in overcoming
the emission of black smoke and in the other factory the
improvements suggested in the report were in hand at the end of
the year.