London's Pulse: Medical Officer of Health reports 1848-1972

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Ealing 1934

[Report of the Medical Officer of Health for Ealing]

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Particulars of the Sanitary Defects Remedied as a Result
of Notices Served and Letters Written.
Water Closets repaired or supplied with water or otherwise
improved 163
Drains cleared and cleansed 153
Defects in drains repaired 120
Drains reconstructed 60
Dust-bins provided 77
Overcrowding remedied 1
Accumulations of refuse removed 89
Nuisance from fowls and other animals abated 5
Damp-proof courses inserted in walls 90
Ventilation under floors provided 16
Other forms of dampness remedied 205
Yards paved and repaired 53
Floors repaired 112
Roofs, gutters and rain water pipes repaired 231
New soil and ventilating pipes provided 37
Sinks and waste-pipes repaired or renewed 136
Draw taps fixed to main supply 22
Dirty walls and ceilings stripped and cleansed 623
Other defects or nuisances remedied 668
Cisterns cleansed, renewed and covered 14
Houses connected to sewer 18
Water supply re-instated 52
Legal Proceedings.
Legal proceedings were taken in the following nine cases
with the results indicated:—
(a) Non-Compliance with Statutory Notices,
Section 94, Public Health Act, 1875.
(1) 15, Petts Hill, Northolt. Defective condition of eaves
gutters causing dampness.
An Order was made by the Magistrate for works to be carried
out within seven days, with 11s. costs.
This was not complied with and proceedings were taken to
enforce the Order when a penalty of 7s. 6d. per day was inflicted
during continuance of non-compliance which extended for 30 days,
making the total penalty £11 15s. 0d.