London's Pulse: Medical Officer of Health reports 1848-1972

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Ealing 1931

[Report of the Medical Officer of Health for Ealing]

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It was not found necessary to close any school in order to
check the prevalence of infectious disease.
Rag Flock Acts, 1911 and 1928.—It is very doubtful
if any rag flock is. used in the Borough. Inspections have been
made of all the upholsterers' workshops and in all instances where
bedding is made or re-made it was found that wool flock was
used. This flock is purchased from the wholesaler under a guarantee
that it conforms to the Government standard of purity. No
samples were taken.
Milk Supply.—There are now only six cowkeepers on the
register as producers of milk, one having been discontinued during
the past year.
At the end of the year there were on the register 90 retail
purveyors of milk. Twenty of these registrations were in respect
of premises owned by one company and used as places for distributing
bottled pasteurised milk received from the Central Depot
in another district. During the year six purveyors of milk opened
new premises for the purpose of selling milk, seven were registered
at premises they were already occupying to retail milk in sealed
receptacles only, six new purveyors of milk were registered who
had purchased premises from others who were on the register and
one with premises in another district was registered to retail milk
within the Borough. Three purveyors of milk transferred their
businesses to other premises.
There are 36 purveyors of milk with dairies attached to their
premises and considerable attention has been paid in recent years
to the bringing of these dairies up to a reasonable standard of
equipment and management.
Milk (Special Designations) Order, 1923.—Under this Order
58 licences were granted during the year, 14 for the sale of Certified
Milk, 16 for Grade A (Tuberculin Tested) Milk and 28 for Pasteurised
Milk. One licence for bottling Grade A (Tuberculin Tested) Milk
was granted.