London's Pulse: Medical Officer of Health reports 1848-1972

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Ealing 1929

[Report of the Medical Officer of Health for Ealing]

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"(iii) That the School Medical Officer proceed as quickly as
possible with the ascertainment of children with a view
to further steps being taken towards the establishment
of a Joint Day School for high-grade mentally defective
These resolutions are self-explanatory. A thorough survey
is being made of all the backward and mentally defective children
and when this survey is complete the matter can be again considered
by the Committee and by the Conference.
When the "Handbook of Suggestions on Health Education"
was issued by the Board of Education it was so much appreciated
by the Education Committee that copies were sent to all the
teachers, with the advice that the suggestions contained therein
should be adopted. At the same time it was further advised that
the extent of the teaching of hygiene in the schools should be as
Infants' Schools.
(a) Incidental and habit teaching each day when
occasion offers.
(b) In the upper classes, short informal talks of five
minutes each day.
Junior Schools.
(a) Incidental teaching each day as occasion offers.
(b) Formal talks of five minutes each day.
(c) Formal lesson of thirty minutes each week.
Senior Schools.
(a), (b) and (c) as for Junior Schools.
Central School.
(а) Incidental teaching as occasion offers.
(b) At least two formal lessons of thirty minutes
each week.