London's Pulse: Medical Officer of Health reports 1848-1972

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Ealing 1927

[Report of the Medical Officer of Health for Ealing]

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The number of boys and girls employed out of school hours
in accordance with the Byelaws with respect to the Employment of
Children is given in the following list, together with the nature
of the employment:—
Errands 153
Milk Round 24
Newspaper Round 42
House Work 1
Delivering Washing 6
Baker's Round 38
Order Boy 14
Bottle Washer 2
Delivering Coal 2
Golf Caddie 1
Shop Cleaning 1
Total 284
Errands 1
Nurse Maid 1
House Work 4
Piano Playing 1
Newspaper Round 1
Total 8
All these children were medically inspected during the year
and 66 were found to be in such a condition of health that their
employment was discontinued.
Nineteen children on routine medical inspection were found to
be employed without being registered under the Byelaws and
five were found to be under age.
Under this heading are noted all examinations carried out at
the Health Centres. At the School Clinics are examined all children
referred by the Education Committee, Head-Teachers and School
Enquiry Officers.
Children can be submitted for examination at the Centres on
each school-day at 9.30 a.m. Those usually submitted are
children suspected of having verminous heads or bodies, or having
ringworm, scabies, or impetigo, or those whose examination is
desirable on account of some defect or suspected defect, such as