London's Pulse: Medical Officer of Health reports 1848-1972

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Ealing 1913

[Report of the Medical Officer of Health for Ealing]

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Dustbins and House Refuse Removal.
In accordance with the requirements under Section
43 of the Ealiny Corporation Act, 1905, 102 new galvanised
iron dustbins were supplied.
As usual, all applications for the removal of house
refuse were transferred to the Borough Surveyor's
Department for attention. During the year there
were forty such applications, several of these being from
new tenants giving notice of their occupying the premises,
and making inquiries as to the removal of the
refuse, all of which were promptly attended to.
Public-House Conveniences.
These premises, as in the past, are frequently
visited, and any nuisances discovered are readily attended
to by the respective landlords, who find it most
difficult to keep the premises at all times free from a
There has been no serious complaints made during
the year in respect of such accommodation, and, taking
them on the whole, they have been fairly well kept.
Manufacture of Ice-Cream.
The vendors' premises where this commodity is
prepared has been found to be kept in a satisfactory
condition. The street barrows, in possession of Italians,
from which the ice-cream is sold, were constantly
visited, and found very little cause for complaint during
the summer months.
Slaughter-Houses and Food Inspection.
There are five private slaughter-houses in the
Borough, and these have been frequently visited,
especially when it was known that slaughtering was