London's Pulse: Medical Officer of Health reports 1848-1972

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Ealing 1913

[Report of the Medical Officer of Health for Ealing]

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as were visible at the time of inspection, and which includes
all kinds of structural defects and other nuisances
amounting to 1,903, while the following Table, herewith
attached, represents the total number of sanitary
nuisances remedied as the result of such inspections
(this greatly exceeds that mentioned in the previous
Table), and which, I am pleased to state, were attended
to without having resource to legal proceedings.
During the vear 202 complaints and applications
were received, forty of which being in respect of nonremoval
of dust. These were carefully investigated
and dealt with in respect of 198. With regard to
four no cause could be found for complaint, while
several of those dealt with were of a trivial character.
Needless to say, special attention is paid to all communications,
since it enables the visiting Inspector not
only to inquire into the matter referred to, but they
afford a most favourable opportunity in many cases of
making a survey of some of the better class property.
As in previous years, I herewith append a summary
of the nuisances remedied under the above heading,
together with other matters found in need of attention
at the time of inquiring into the matter mentioned
in the communication :—
Summary of the Works carried out following
Storage water cisterns cleansed and covered 7
Draw taps fixed to main 1
Choked drains cleared and cleansed 34
Drains repaired 2
Drains re-constructed 5
Access chambers constructed 10
New soil-pipes fixed to w.c's 3
New ventilating pipes to drains 9
Cesspool abolished 1
Rain-water pipes disconnected from drains 3
Foul w.c. pans cleansed 8