London's Pulse: Medical Officer of Health reports 1848-1972

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Dagenham 1936

[Report of the Medical Officer of Health for Dagenham]

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Jubilee Boot Fund.
As a part of the celebration of the Silver Jubilee
of His late Majesty King George V, the Council decided
to invest a sum of £1,000, the interest on which was to
be devoted to the provision of boots and similar
necessities which could not otherwise be obtained
through public funds.
The establishment of this Trust will be of material
benefit to many of the families in the district who have
fallen on bad times, and will meet a long felt want in
the area. It was not until late in the year that the
constitution of this fund was finally approved, and
for the year under review one pair of boots only was
Other Provisions.
One child was supplied with an artificial eye by this
Council at a cost of 7s. 6d.
Consultant Obstetrician.
The Consultant Obstetrician has been called into
consultation on 17 occasions. This service is very much
valued and there is no doubt that the efficiency of the
maternity and child welfare organisation has been
much enhanced by this addition. Originally patients
were requested to refund to the Council a portion or the
whole of the assessed cost of each consultation, but
having in mind that patients in certain instances might
hesitate to call in the services of the Consultant for fear
of incurring a debt, the Council decided that these
emergency consultations should be free to all except
those who would, in the ordinary course of events, call
in a Consultant in a private capacity.