London's Pulse: Medical Officer of Health reports 1848-1972

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Croydon 1971

[Report of the Medical Officer of Health for Croydon]

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Carton of dessert containing mould growth Fined £10
Loaf of bread with mouse droppings on base Fined £20
Carton of cream out of condition Fined £5
Peanut kernels containing mouse droppings Fined £35
Bag of chips containing a cigarette end Fined £15
Loaf of bread containing silver foil and
strands of tobacco Fined £10
Steak and kidney pie containing piece of
metal Fined £30
Fly eggs in packet of chipolato sausages Fined £20
Hot dog stall not complying with Regulations Fines totalling £12
were imposed.
Three contraventions against a stallholder Fined £3 on one Count
under appropriate Regulations 2nd Count Conditional
discharge for one year.
Found not guilty on
3rd Count.
Eleven contraventions under Food Fines totalling £46
Hygiene Regulations in a Restaurant were imposed.
During the year 385 food complaints of various types were received,
fully investigated and appropriate action taken where necessary. Eight
prosecutions were taken against firms concerned as reported above.