London's Pulse: Medical Officer of Health reports 1848-1972

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Croydon 1956

[Report of the Medical Officer of Health for Croydon]

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B. C. C. Vaccination
The use of B.C.G. vaccination for contacts has been continued
during 1956 and regular sessions are held at the Clinic for this
purpose. 285 contacts were successfully vaccinated during the
year, compared with 259 in 1955. In addition, 29 nurses and
domestics were successfully vaccinated, and 43 babies of tuberculous
parents were vaccinated in hospital during the neonatal
The response of parents to the B.C.G. vaccination for their
children has been good, and only in a very few instances has
permission been refused.
For detailed figures see appendices, page 93.
Rehousing of Tuberculosis Patients
26 families were re-housed specifically on the grounds of
the presence of infective tuberculosis, so that the patient could
have a separate bedroom.
X-Ray Service
It is now necessary for all members of the staff of the Corporation
whose duties bring them into contact with children to
have an X-ray examination of the chest on their appointment and
thereafter annually. In this connection 356 examinations were
carried out in 1956.
I am also indebted to the Medical Director of the Surrey Area
of the South-West Metropolitan Regional Hospital Board Mass
Radiography Service for the following particulars of persons
examined and of abnormalities found: -
No. of Active Inactive Pulmo- Non-
Persons Punonary nary Tuber- Tuberculous
examined culosis Conditions
Croydon C.B. Area 13,095 19 568 562