London's Pulse: Medical Officer of Health reports 1848-1972

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Croydon 1939

[Report of the Medical Officer of Health for Croydon]

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One Emergency case from another Borough died in Mayday Hospital, a
case of Eclampsia. Two cases of Puerperal Sepsis per so, which died in
the Borough Hospital, were also admitted from other Boroughs, and only came
under the Service after the onset of sepsis.
From Mayday Hospital- . Cases Deaths
"Booked' Cases 11
"Emergency" Cases 2
From St.Mary's Maternity Hospital 8
From other Hospitals
From private doctors, deliveries )
in Nursing Homes) 20 2
From private doctors, deliveries )
at home.)
37 cases followed Labour with 2 deaths
4 cases followed abortion,with no deaths
Both these deaths were cases admitted from outside Boroughs,
and therefore do not enter into the Croydon Borough mortality
The 41 cases treated may be classified as follows:-
(1) Patients with infection of the genital tract 29 2 6,9%
(a) Infection limited to uterus,vagina and
perineum 16
(b) Infection involving pelvic cellular
tissues, ovaries, Fallopian tubes,
pelvic peritoneum or veins. 8 - -
(c) Infection of the birth canal spread
beyond the pelvis (general peritonitis
septicaemia, etc) 5 2 40$
(2) Patients with infective conditions not
originating in the genital tract 12
The Assistant Medical Officer of Health for Obstetrics was called
in by medical practitioners to see 66 obstetrical and 86 gynaecological patients
who could not afford to pay a private consultant.
In addition, he was asked by the Medical Superintendent of Mayday
Hospital to give an opinion on tho obstetric and gynaecological aspects of
25 casee in the medical and surgical wards of the hospital.