London's Pulse: Medical Officer of Health reports 1848-1972

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Croydon 1938

[Report of the Medical Officer of Health for Croydon]

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Types of Cases Treated.
In Class T.B., Minus, 21 males, 14 females, and 8 children
were discharged with the disease in a quiescent condition, i.e.,
81.1% of the total cases in this class; 4 males and 5 females were
not in a quiescent condition, 17% ; 1 male died, 1.8%.
In Class T.B. Plus, Group I., the corresponding- figures were
3 males and 1 female quiescent, 80%; 1 female not quiescent, 20%;
there were no deaths in this group.
In Class T.B. Plus, Group II., 11 males and 14 females
quiescent, 24.0%; 38 males and 27 females not quiescent, 62.5%;
and 9 males and 5 females died, 13.4%.
In Class T.B., Plus, Group III., or advanced group, no case
was discharged quiescent; 5 males and 10 females not quiescent,
36.5% ; and 19 males and 6 females and 1 child died, 63.4%.
Taking all groups together, 35.4% of cases were discharged as
quiescent; 44.3% as not quiescent; and 20.1% died.
54.5% of the deaths of open cases on the dispensary register
occurred in Croydon institutions.
Non-Pulmonary Tuberculosis.— 31 patients were discharged
during the year, and 58% of these were quiescent.
Deaths from Pulmonary Tuberculosis in Cheam Sanatorium
and Mayday Hospital during 1938 according to sex and stage of
Adults. Adults. Child,
Classification. Males. Females. Males. Females. Girl.
T.B. minus — — 2 1 —
T.B. plus 1 — — — — —
T.B. plus 2 3 2 5 2 —
T.B. plus 3 1 — 24 10 1
Total 4 2 31 13 1
The Clinic Register of Cases.
The number of cases of Tuberculosis under the supervision of
the Clinic at the end of the year was 882. This is equivalent to
3.62 persons per 1,000 of the population.