London's Pulse: Medical Officer of Health reports 1848-1972

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Croydon 1936

[Report of the Medical Officer of Health for Croydon]

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Croydon, though still a dormitory town for London, is rapidly
developing industries and trades of its own. A considerable factory
area is being developed on the "West side of Purley Way in proximity
to the gas and electricity undertakings. The chief industries are
iron foundries, bell foundries, engineering and building. The
London Terminal Aerodrome is within the County Borough
The population has been growing rapidly. The increase of
population revealed in the 1931 census was 21.8% on that for 1921.
This was the highest rate of increase for any town having a population
of over 100,000 at the 1921 Census. The 1931 Census gave a
total enumerated population of 233,115. The estimated population
as at the middle of 1935 was 242,100. For the middle of 1936 the
population is given as 241,739 (R.-G.).
The water supply is drawn from deep wells in the chalk.
These wells are situated at Surrey Street, Stroud Green, Waddon,
Selhurst, and Addington. A portion of the northern side of the
Borough obtains water supplies from the Metropolitan Water
1 am indebted to the Borough Engineer, Mr. C. E. Boast,
for the following information:—
A constant supply of water was maintained throughout the
year, and has been satisfactory both in quality and quantity.
Monthly analyses of the water were made at the five pumping
stations, and in many cases at more frequent intervals. The Corporation's
wells are all in the chalk, and a sample analysis is as
Clear and bright.
Hardness—Temporary, 11.7 deg.
,, Permanent, 4.0 deg.
No B. Coli in 100 c.c.
No Streptococci in 100 c.c.
No Acid Organisms in 100 c.c.
The supply during the year was from the
Corporation's Wells 2,001,156,913
Metropolitan Water Board in Bulk 667,765,000
2,668,921,913 gallons.