London's Pulse: Medical Officer of Health reports 1848-1972

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Croydon 1934

[Report of the Medical Officer of Health for Croydon]

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dental irregularities, nevertheless, defects which produce abnormalities
of the jaws and teeth may be psychologically harmful,
and dental irregularities predispose to dental caries.
The parents of children undergoing orthodontic treatment
have evinced a genuine interest and offered useful co-operation.
1934. 1933.
Number of Sessions held 46 39
Number of first attendances 84 100
Number of re-attendances 306 286
There were no names on the waiting list at the end of the
year. The classification of cases shows a similarity to that of
previous years in the numbers in the respective groups, viz.
(1) No evidence of otorrhoea past or present, or deafness
of more than a trivial or temporary nature 13
(2) Deafness only. Some of these were due to old otitis
media 12
(3) Otorrhoea, active, quiescent or cured 59
Group 2.—12 cases. Eleven were of the catarrhal type and
one due to congenital absence of the outer ears. The latter is
attending a special school for the partially deaf and is learning to
speak. Of the catarrhal cases, three attained normal hearing,
one after treatment by the Eustachian catheter, and two as the
result of breathing exercises; three have been referred for a nose
and throat operation, two of which are awaiting treatment, and
one has refused; one was slight and was referred for home treatment;
one was mentally defective and unsuitable for treatment;
one is to have an operation for deviated septum in a year or two;
one is under observation; and one requires a septic mouth
attended to first. All are followed up, especially to see that
correct breathing is established.
Group 3.—(a) Found dry and requiring no treatment 16
(b) Found dry but recommended for accessory
treatment such as tonsillectomy 4
(c) Active cases 39