London's Pulse: Medical Officer of Health reports 1848-1972

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Croydon 1923

[Report of the Medical Officer of Health for Croydon]

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The following table gives a summary of the inspections during the year:—

Visits to slaughterhouses1340
,, ,, butchers892
,, ,, fishmongers326
,, ,, markets278
,, ,, cowkeepers48
,, ,, dairies428
,, ,, other premises120

Summary of Meat and other articles of food destroyed as unfit for human consumption, with total weight:—


ARTICLES.Weight in lbs.Remarks.
Beef7,9076,94914,856Including 15 carcases.
Mutton3886611,049„ 18 „
Pork8,166588,243„ 27 „
Veal432128560„ 6 „
Offal6,2733,0909,363,, imported offal.
Fish...3643G4Codfish, cod roe, and skate.
Other Articles...3,1123,112Rabbits, potatoes, tomatoes, plums, gooseberries, and red currants.
Total lbs.23,18514,36237,547Including 66 carcases.