London's Pulse: Medical Officer of Health reports 1848-1972

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Croydon 1923

[Report of the Medical Officer of Health for Croydon]

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Number of Patients under Treatment.
During 1923, 140 patients were admitted to sanatoria for pulmonary
tuberculosis. Of these, 85 were men—of whom 15 were
invalided ex service men—32 were women, and 23 were children.
A total of 393 Croydon patients (including those in institutions
at the beginning of the year) received institutional treatment for
various forms of tuberculosis under the Council's arrangements, in
accordance with the following table : —

Number of Patients under treatment in Institutions,1923.

Type of Institution.Men.Women.Children under 16.Total.
(a) Sanatoria for Pulmonary Tuberculosis (including Cheam Sanatorium)867525186
(b) Hospital for Pulmonary Tuberculosis (beds at Borough Fever Hospital)3548184
(c) Sanatoria or Hospitals tor Non-Pulmonary Tuberculosis141990123
All Institutions135142116393

Particulars as to individual institutions are given below : —
(a) Croydon Borough Sanatorium, Cheam. The Joint Small
pox Hospital buildings at Cheam have continued in use throughout
1923 as a sanatorium for tuberculous patients from Croydon, Surrey
and Kent, the Borough Council being responsible for the

During the year 135 patients were admitted, the discharges and deaths for the same period being 137. The particulars as to the number of patients admitted by each authority are as follows : —

District.Remaining at end of year 1922.Admitted during year 1923.Discharged during year 1923.Died during year 1923.Remaining at end of year 1923.
Croydon C. B154037315
Kent C. C.5141225
Surrey C, C.308174928