London's Pulse: Medical Officer of Health reports 1848-1972

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Croydon 1923

[Report of the Medical Officer of Health for Croydon]

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Number of Beds Occupied.
During 1923 the average number of beds occupied throughout
the year in all tuberculosis institutions was 144, allocated as
follows : —

Average number of beds occupied throughout the year 1923.

Type of Institution.Men.Women.Children under 16.Total.
(a) Sanatoria for Pulmonary Tuber-culosis (including Cheam Sanatorium)37251072
(b) Hospital for Pulmonary Tuber-berculosis (beds at Borough Fever Hospital)89_17
(c) Sanatoria or Hospitals for Non-Pulmonary Tuberculosis7113755
All Institutions524547144

Allocation of Beds.
1.—Of the 72 beds occupied in sanatoria for pulmonary tuberculosis,
(a) 15 for men were at the Borough Sanatorium, Cheam ;
(b) 14 for women at Larchfield Sanatorium, Caterham ;
(c) an average of 14 (4 men, 10 for women) at Grosvenor
Sanatorium (Ashford, Kent).
(d) 12 for invalided ex-service men at Ministry of Pensions
training centres;
(e) An average of 7 (6 for men, 1 for women) at various other
(f) 10 for children—7 being at Harpenden and 3 at Heath End,
The only beds retained specifically for Croydon patients were
the 14 at Larchfield Sanatorium and 15 at Cheam Sanatorium.
II.—The 17 beds occupied by hospital cases of pulmonary
tuberculosis were all in a special block at the Borough Fever Hospital—9
beds for women and 3 beds and 5 shelters for men. Only
Croydon patients are admitted to these beds.