London's Pulse: Medical Officer of Health reports 1848-1972

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Croydon 1923

[Report of the Medical Officer of Health for Croydon]

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Notified Infectious Disease at Institutions, etc., in the County Borough of Croydon, 1923.

NAME OF INSTITUTION.Scarlet Fever.Diphtheria.Para Typhoid.Acute Primary Pneumonia.Acute Influenzal Pneumonia.Erysipelas.Puerperal Fever.Ophthalmia NeonatorumAnterior PoliomyilitisEncephalitis Lethargica.
Mayday Road Hospital, Workhouse, and Cottag'e Homes attached16......24...21...
Croydon Borough Hospital13........................
Birdhurst Lodge (Mission of Hope)1............1............
Shirley Poor Law Schools of Bermondsey Guardians2...........................
Croydon General Hospital56...4...............1
The Convent, Upper Norwood20...........................
Children's Medical Home, Cold-harbour Lane...7........................
War Memorial Hospital, Purley......1............1......
Salvation Army Industrial Home1...........................