Hints from the Health Department. Leaflet from the archive of the Society of Medical Officers of Health. Credit: Wellcome Collection, London
[Report of the Medical Officer of Health for Croydon]
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Introductory Letter 5
Vital Statistics, Summary of 6
Natural and Social Conditions of the District:—
Climate 7
Social Conditions 7
Hospital Accommodation 8
Sanitary Circumstances of the District:—
Water 11
Rivers and Streams 12
Drainage and Sewerage 13
Closet Accommodation 13
Scavenging 13
Sanitary Inspection of the District 13
Housing 13
Infectious Disease, Prevalence of and control over :—
Scarlet Fever 18
Diphtheria 18
Measles 19
Enteric Fever 19
Smallpox 19
Influenza 20
Pneumonia 20
Malaria, Dysentery, and Encephalitis lethargica 20
Tuberculosis 20
Health Visitors' Work, Record ot 21
Disinfection, Record of 22
Table I. Vital Statistics of whole district during 1919 and
previous years 24
II. Cases of Infectious Disease notified during 1919 25
III. Causes of, and Ages at, Death during 1919 26
III.a Causes of Deaths from Influenza and certain other
conditions during 1919 39
Chart showing principal causes of death during 1919
IV. Infant Mortality during 1919 41
V. Cases notified and deaths from the principal zymotic
diseases for the year 1919 and preceding years 50
VI Vital Statistics of separate localities in 1919 and
previous years 51
VII. Meteorological Observations for 1919 52
VIIa. Meteorological Observations for 1919 53
Maternity and Infant Welfare ;—
Infant Mortality 54
Diarrhœa 56
Infant Centres 56
Provision of Fresh Milk at the Centres 58
Maternity Hostel 58
Ante-natal Clinic 59
Sick Nurse 59
Feeding of infants 59
Development of Work—Reports of Medical Officer of
Health 61
Notifications of Births Act, 1907 75
Midwives 75