London's Pulse: Medical Officer of Health reports 1848-1972

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Croydon 1908

[Report of the Medical Officer of Health for Croydon]

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The practice for gain by these unqualified women will cease in
April, 1910.
During the year one registered midwife died, two removed, one
withdrew from practice, one was re-instated, and three new names
were added, leaving 29 on the register on December 31st.
All the midwives' homes, except one outside the Borough, were
visited by Dr. Jackson since the last report, and the registers and
bags of appliances inspected.
Four midwives were cautioned.
NOTIFICATION OF BIRTHS ACT, 1907.—This Act was adopted
by the Council on January 13th, and came into force on February
19th, 1908, after confirmation by the Local Government Board.
Early in February the following letter was addressed to all medical men
practising in the borough :—
Dear Sir,
The Notification of Births Act was adopted by a resolution
of the Council on January 13th, and this resolution has since been
confirmed by the Local Government Board, who directed that it
shall come into force on February 19th, 1908.
The object that the Council have had in view in adopting
the Act is to obtain early notice of the births of infants in homes
where there is no regular medical attendant. Such infants are
visited by one of the health visitors, who, where necessary,
instruct the mothers on the lines of the enclosed handbill.
As it is both unnecessary and undesirable for us to visit
infants who are already under medical care, I would suggest that
in all cases where you consider such visits superfluous, you should
hand one of the enclosed cards to the father, who is primarily
responsible for the notification cf his child's birth. On the other
hand, should you be attending a confinement under circumstances
which render it unlikely that you will be consulted as to the future
care and nurture of the infant, I shall be obliged if you will kindly
notify the birth yourself. Such notifications will be taken to
apply to infants whom you think it would be well for this department
to keep under supervision. That fact, however, will be
treated as confidential.
Additional notification cards can be obtained on application.
I append abstract from the Act for your further information.
Yours faithfully,