London's Pulse: Medical Officer of Health reports 1848-1972

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Crayford 1959

[Report of the Medical Officer of Health for Crayford]

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All the fore going samples were genuine with the exception of the following:
Sample of Analysis Action Taken
Braised Steaks Description "Braised Steaks" unsatisfactory Label amended to read "Braised Steaks with Gravy and Diced Carrots"
Mixed Fruit and Nuts - As the anlysis disclosed 66% peanuts and 34% sultanas, the suppliers were requested to label them "Nuts and Sultanas"
Egg and Milk Flavoured Toffees Label designs indicated the presence of milk and butter. Rum and Butter Flavoured Toffees Labels amended.
Having completed the initial survey for the proposed Smoke Control Area
at Slade Green, steps have been taken to complete the detailed survey necessary,
subsequent to the provisional approval of the Council's proposals by the
Minister of Housing and Local Government having been received. This survey
is now virtually complete.
(1) Inspection of Dwelling Houses
(1) Total number of dwellinghouses inspected for housing
defects (under Public Health or Housing Acts) 1,187
Number of inspections made for that purpose 3,195
(2) Number of dwellinghouses (included under subĀ¬heading
(1) (above) which were inspected and recorded under
the Housing Consolidation Regulations
Number of inspections made for that purpose
(3) Number of dwellinghouses found to be in a state so
dangerous or injurious to health as to be unfit for
human habitation 1
(4) Number of dwellinghouses (exclusive of those referred
to under the preceding subĀ¬heading) found not to be
in all respects reasonably fit for human habitation .. 171