London's Pulse: Medical Officer of Health reports 1848-1972

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Crayford 1958

[Report of the Medical Officer of Health for Crayford]

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A considerable amount of the Inspectors time was taken uj? with
the initial survey for the proposed Smoke control Area at Slade
Green. The information obtained has provided much food for thought
and there is no doubt that a lot of hard work will be necessary, and
the full co-operation of all concerned will be needed, in order that
this problem can be successfully solved.
As a member of the Thames-Side Joint Committee for the Abatement
of Atmospheric Pollution, my Council brought into operation during
the year volumetric apparatus for the detection of Sulphur Dioxide
in the atmosphere, and it is hoped that the daily readings obtained
will play some useful part in the overall picture in North West Kent.
(1) Inspection of Dwelling Houses
(1) Total number of dwellinghouses inspected for
housing defects (under Public Health or
Housing Acts) 969
Number of inspections made for that purpose 3,605
(2) Number of dwellinghouses (included under subheading
(l) above) which were inspected and
recorded under the Housing Consolidation
Regulations —
Number of inspections made for that purpose _
(3) Number of dwellinghouses found to be in a state
so dangerous or injurious to health as to be
unfit for human habitation 14
(4) Number of dwellinghouses (exclusive of those
referred to under the preceding sub-heading)
found not to be in all respects reasonably
fit for human habitation 110
(2) Remedy of defects during the year without Service
of formal Notices
Number of defective dwellinghouses rendered fit in
consequence of informal action by Local Authority
or their Officers 103