London's Pulse: Medical Officer of Health reports 1848-1972

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Coulsdon and Purley 1954

[Report of the Medical Officer of Health for Coulsdon]

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Notices Served.
Preliminary Notices 526
Statutory Notices 21
Legal Proceedings.
It was not necessary to take legal proceedings in connection
with any public health matter in 1954.
Matters affecting adversely the hygienic conditions of the
schools are normally reported by the Divisional Medical Officer
to the Divisional Executive or, in the case of the canteens, to
the Central Committee concerned, and improvements are slowly
being effected.
Close co-operation exists between the School Health and
Public Health Services in relation to the above and the prevention
of the spread of infectious disease.
During the year only 1 house needed to be, and was disinfested
owing to the presence of bed bugs, but action was taken by the
Department in 98 cases of infestation with other pests such as
crickets and wasps, the complaints regarding the latter increasing
by nearly 80 compared with the previous year.
In the majority of cases disinfestation was carried out by
spraying with a proprietary insecticide.
The table on the following page is a tabular statement
indicating the action taken in 1954 under this Act.
During that year, 77 visits were made to the Council Depots at
Millstock, Purley Oaks, Kenley and Old Lodge Lane, and land at
Littleheath Woods, Selsdon.
The Ministry of Agriculture and Fisheries agreed to dispense
with the normal routine test baiting of sewers in the District as
required in former years, but maintenance treatment was carried
out as was necessary.
The Council's charges for services rendered in the destruction
of rats and mice remain the same, i.e. 6/3d. per hour, plus the cost
of materials at premises other than private dwellings, and a flat
rate charge of 5/0d. in respect of private dwellings.
The Council continues to undertake the routine disinfestation
of schools and school canteens owned by the County Council
within the District, as and when necessary, on a contract basis.