London's Pulse: Medical Officer of Health reports 1848-1972

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Coulsdon and Purley 1946

[Report of the Medical Officer of Health for Coulsdon]

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3. Action under Statutory Powers during the Year:—
(a) Proceedings under sections 9, 10 and 16 of the Housing Act,
(1) Number of dwelling houses in respect of which notices
were served requiring repairs 4
(2) Number of dwelling houses which were rendered fit after
service of formal notices:
(a) By Owners 4
(b) By Local Authority in default of Owners Nil
(b) Proceedings under the Public Health Acts:
(1) Number of dwelling houses in respect of which notices
were served requiring defects to be remedied 55
(2) Number of dwelling houses in which defects were remedied
after service of formal notices:
(a) By Owners 61
(b) By Local Authority in default of Owners Nil
(3) Proceedings under sections 11 and 13 of the Housing
Act, 1936:
(a) Number of dwelling houses in respect of which
Demolition Orders were made Nil
(b) Number of dwelling houses demolished in pursuance
of Demolition Orders Nil
(4) Proceedings under section 12 of the Housing Act, 1936 :
(a) Number of separate tenements or underground
rooms in respect of which Closing Orders
were made Nil
(b) Number of separate tenements or underground
rooms in respect of which Closing Orders were
determined, the tenement or room having
been rendered fit Nil
4. Housing Act, 1936, Part IV—Overcrowding:–
(a) (1) N umber of dwelling houses overcrowded at end of year 11
(2) Number of families dwelling therein 16
(3) Number of persons dwelling therein 67
(b) Number of new cases of overcrowding reported during the year 18
(c) (1) Number of cases of overcrowding relieved during the year 13
(2) Number of persons concerned in such cases 42
(d) Particulars of any cases in which dwelling houses have again
become overcrowded after the Local Authority has taken
steps for the abatement of overcrowding Nil
Number of New Houses Erected during the Year:—
By the Local Authority 108
By other persons 64
( * Including 105 pre-fabricated houses.)
The number of houses inspected for defects showed an increase of
43 per cent. compared with 1945 and 1939, and was almost double the
average for the war years, while the number of visits paid showed an even
greater increase. As might be expected the numbers found not to be in
all respects fit for habitation and subsequently rendered fit increased
The number of Sanitary Inspectors engaged on this work did not
excerd three, which was the number employed throughout the war, and