London's Pulse: Medical Officer of Health reports 1848-1972

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Coulsdon and Purley 1938

[Report of the Medical Officer of Health for Coulsdon]

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Sample No. 7 was a repeat of No. 2. The Bacillus Coli content
was considerably improved although the total count was more than
doubled. Further encouragement and advice being given to the
shopkeeper resulted in the number of bacteria dropping from 284,000
to 400 in the following sample (No. 17).
Sample No. 4.—Was the first and only sample taken of ice
cream made by this Firm. After receipt of the report on this
sample the manufacture of ice cream ceased.
Samples Nos. 5 and 9 are another case of improvement being
effected, as also Nos. 12 and 21.
Samples Nos. 13 and 15. The Firm producing these samples
manufactures the product in a neighbouring district, and the results
were passed on to the Authority for that area, who followed up
the case during the remainder of the year.
Sample No. 14.—This sample came from a shop at which the
ice cream had been made on the premises, where formerly a wellknown
brand had been sold. The report was immediately communicated
to the maker, the method of manufacture examined,
and advice given. As a result the count was reduced from nearly
6,000,000 to 1,320 (No. 16).
Samples Nos. 19, 20, 23 and 26 illustrate a case in which but little
improvement was shown. The season ended at the time the
question of cancelling the registration was being considered.
On the other hand, Samples Nos. 22, 24 and 25 show the
improvement effected in still another case.
It should be noted that the above samples do not cover all the
dealers selling in the District, the Department concentrating on new
manufacturers or those who have produced unsatisfactory samples in
the past to the exclusion of those whose previous samples have justified
reliance being placed upon their products.
Numerically, however, it is satisfactory to report that of the 16
sources examined, 5 were good, and 3 fairly good upon the initial
examination, 4 improved as a result of action by the Department,
1 was passed on to a neighbouring Authority for the necessary action,
1 ceased manufacture, and only 1 showed but slight improvement.