London's Pulse: Medical Officer of Health reports 1848-1972

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Chislehurst 1954

[Report of the Medical Officer of Health for Chislehurst]

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The Public Mortuary is situate at Beaverwood Road, Chislehurst.
During the year 106 bodies were taken there. 44 of these
were received from hospitals. Inquests were held in 22 cases.
Section 47.
This Section of the Act gives powers to the local authority to
apply to a court of summary jurisdiction for an order for the
compulsory removal of any person suffering from grave chronic
disease, or who is aged, infirm or physically incapacitated, and who
is living in insanitary conditions and unable to devote to himself
and not receiving from other persons proper care and attention, to
a suitable hospital or other place in, or within convenient distance
of, the area of the local authority, and for his detention and maintenance
therein. Before such application is made, however, the
Medical Officer of Health must be satisfied after thorough enquiry,
that in the interests of any such person or for preventing injury to
the health of, or serious nuisance to, other persons it is necessary
to remove that person.
Several possible cases were investigated during the year, but
in no instance was it necessary to apply to the court for an order
for compulsory removal.
Section 50.
Under this Section of the Act, it is the duty of the local
authority to arrange for the burial or cremation of the body of any
person who has died or been found dead in their area if it appears
that no suitable arrangements for the disposal of the body are
being made.
It was not necessary for the Council to take any action under
this heading during the year 1954, although a number of enquiries
were received.
There are five Nursing Homes on the register at the present
time, providing for a total of 72 beds. Three of these beds are
for maternity patients and the remainder for medical or surgical
cases. The aged sick or aged infirm patients occupy the majority
of these beds.
Inspection of these Homes was carried out at frequent intervals
during the year, and at no time were any contraventions found
which required action on the part of the local authority.