London's Pulse: Medical Officer of Health reports 1848-1972

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Bexley 1964

[Report of the Medical Officer of Health for Bexley]

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1. (i) Water Supply.
The water supply to the district is supplied by the Metropolitan
Water Board and is derived from several sources namely, Bexley, Crayford,
Darenth and Wilmington wells together with River Thames derived filtered
The water supply to this area has been satisfactory in both quality
and quantity during the year.
There have been no specific cases of contamination and the waters
are not liable to have plumbo-solvent action.
No new sources of piped water supply were instituted in the Borough
of Bexley during 1964, but 1178 yards of new service mains were laid.
During the year 6 samples of water from piped supplies were taken
and submitted to the Public Health Laboratory for bacteriological
examination and all were found to be satisfactory.
(ii) Drainage and Sewerage.
New drainage and sewage works were carried out during the year as
East Welling Surface Water Scheme - In progress.
Comprises length of concrete culvert in Danson Park and continues
in 63"-42" pipe line via Danson Lane, Roseacre Road, Park View and
Gipsy Roads (a completed distance of 1,830 1 in.yd) and involved thrust
boring under Railway, relaying 200 lin. yd. of foul sewer, manholes and
Danson Road to River Shuttle Surface Water Outfall - In progress
The clearance, excavation and regrading of existing water course.
The construction of brick and reinforced concrete culverts and the thrust
boring of 72" concrete pipe under the A.2., a completed distance of
1,450 lin. yd., including reinstatements and renewals to private properties.
Gravel Hill Improvement - In progress
830 lin. yds. of pipes varying from 45" to 24" in dia. have been
laid in the surface water sewer.
300 lin yds. of 12" pipes have been laid in the foul sewer.
Wansunt Road Surface Water Outfall - Completed
A 24" and 21" concrete pipe line extending from Wansunt Road via
Heath Road (made up) to watercourse bounding Mr. Maybanks farm. Length
420 lin. yds. including manholes.
Wansunt Road and Heath P.S.W.Surface Water Drainage - Completed.
All pipe lines varying from 21" to 9" have been laid for a length of
650 lin. yds. including manholes and guliey connections.
Yew Tree Close Surface Water Drainage - Completed
The pipe lines comprised 130 lin. yds. of 24" and 85 lin. yds. of
9" together with manholes.