London's Pulse: Medical Officer of Health reports 1848-1972

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Bexley 1949

[Report of the Medical Officer of Health for Bexley]

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Closet Accommodation.
With the exception of a few houses, all the closet
accommodation in the Borough is on the water carriage
Public Cleansing.
Eight cesspools were emptied a total of 21 times.
Refuse Collection and Disposal.
During the year two S. & D. Dust Carts were purchased
to replace two of the old freighters, and an order
was also placed for two further vehicles for deliverv in
A weekly collection of refuse was reasonably well
maintained during the year, although there was some
delay on one or two occasions due to weather conditions
and sickness.
All refuse collected was disposed of by controlled
tipping at the Ivy Cottage Site at East Wickham. Further
land is being acquired adjoining this tip, but before
tipping can be carried out it will be necessary to culvert
a stream running through the valley. It is intended to
level off this valley in order to provide playing fields,
and will provide tipping space for a period of something
over 9 years. So far as I am aware, there is no other
land in the area suitable for the disposal of refuse, and
the Council will be faced with this problem in a few
years time.
A muledozer was acquired during the year for dealing
with refuse at the tip, and this has provided a very
useful asset in the efficient disposal of refuse.
In common with many other Local Authorities, some
difficulty was experienced towards the end of the year
in the disposal of waste paper, and for a time the merchants
restricted the sales to a maximum of 5 tons per
week. This resulted in a large stock of waste paper
accumulating at the Depot, but early in 1950 this
restriction was removed and the whole of the stock was
Kitchen waste is collected by means of some 425
communal bins placed in the streets, and these are
emptied twice weekly. All kitchen waste is sent to the
Woolwich Borough Council's Concentrator Plant at
White Hart Lane.