London's Pulse: Medical Officer of Health reports 1848-1972

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Bexley 1948

[Report of the Medical Officer of Health for Bexley]

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By the 10th May, 1948, the Home was completely
empty of patients. Local treatment of the noses of
members of the staff was undertaken to get rid of the
carrier condition and further swabs were taken from time
to time.
No further cases occurred in the Home and, following
further consultation with the Ministry of Health, it
was decided that it would be safe to resume admissions
on the 18th May, 1948, and this was, accordingly, done.
It is considered that, as a result of the action which
was taken, it was possible to prevent the spread of this
condition but further time will have to elapse before we
can be quite sure that the trouble has been completely
I am indebted to the Matron and her staff and to
the medical staff for so cheerfully submitting to the discomforts
of swabbing and treatment and for their cooperation
in all the measures necessary for the safety of
the Home. I am indebted, also, to the Ministry of Health
for their kind co-operation and to Dr. Cochrane, Surgeon
Superintendent at the Dartford County Hospital who so
very kindly arranged to take most of our cases and to
other institutions who were also able to render us assistance.
39 cases were notified. 30 patients and contacts had
two treatments at the Corporation Cleansing Station and
13 had one treatment. 12 patients and contacts received
treatment at home.