London's Pulse: Medical Officer of Health reports 1848-1972

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Bexley 1946

[Report of the Medical Officer of Health for Bexley]

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4. Housing Act, 1936. Part IV. Overcrowding.
A. (1) Number of dwellings overcrowded at the
end of the year 47
(2) Number of families dwelling therein 64
(3) Number of persons dwelling therein 328
B. Number of new cases of overcrowding reported
during the year 21
C. (1) Number of cases of overcrowding relieved
during the year 3
(2) Number of persons concerned in such cases 22½
D. Any cases in which dwelling houses have again
become overcrowded after the local
authority have taken steps for the abatement
of overcrowding
(a) Milk Supply.
The milk retailed for consumption in the area is railborne,
pasteurised and bottled except for one small supply by
a producer retailer.
Licenses granted by the Council under Milk Special
Designations Order, 1936:-
Pasteurised Milk 20
Tuberculin Tested Milk 10
Supplementary Licences:—
Pasteurised Milk 3
Tuberculin Tested Milk 1
No. of cowsheds in district 1
(b) Meat Inspection.
The slaughterhouses in the area remained closed during
the year.
The Meat Depot, which was opened as a distributing
centre for Bexley and certain adjoining areas in 1940, was
closed on 6th April, 1946, and meat is now distributed from
Smithfield direct.
A total of 1,263 visits were made to meat shops and other
premises where food is prepared or sold.